opac,sebinayou,catalogue,livres,UCLy,institut catholique de lyon,paris,bibliotheque,bibliotheques,bibliothèque,bibliothèques


CARNOT University Library


23, place Carnot
69002 LYON



Metro Perrache (line A) Tramways T2 and T1. Wi-Fi access: Students and teachers outside the UCLy, think of the Eduoram service for secure Internet access. Disabled access: The library is located on the ground floor of the building. An elevator also allows access to the mezzanine.

Wi-Fi access

Access for disabled people : Total access

Opening hours

  • Horaires (Voir aussi les compléments d'infos dans la rubrique Actualités)

    du 30/09/2024 au 30/05/2025
    Monday 08:30 / 20:00
    Tuesday 08:30 / 20:00
    Wednesday 08:30 / 20:00
    Thursday 08:30 / 20:00
    Friday 08:30 / 20:00
    Saturday closed
    Sunday closed
  • Horaires d'été (Voir aussi les compléments d'infos dans la rubrique Actualités)

    du 02/06/2025 au 28/09/2025
    Monday 08:30 / 19:00
    Tuesday 08:30 / 19:00
    Wednesday 08:30 / 19:00
    Thursday 08:30 / 19:00
    Friday 08:30 / 17:00
    Saturday closed
    Sunday closed

New acquisitions


The Carnot University Library (BU) covers the following disciplinary fields: Religious Sciences, Canon Law, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Psychology, Pedagogy, Preparation for social and medical-social examinations, French and foreign literature, French as a foreign language (FLE), Languages, Translation, Intercultural relations, International relations, History, Arts. Numerous electronic resources are accessible from the campus and in mobile access from the library portal.


BU Carnot in figures

   1200 m²

   140 seats

   2 group work cubicles to be reserved

   1 group work room

   30,000 books in open access

   200 titles of periodicals

   90,000 items in the store

The library depends on Unité de recherche "Confluence Sciences et Humanités" which is developing an open archive HAL

The University Library is a member of the Sudoc network (Système universitaire de documentation), of the ritimo network (information, tools, initiatives for a united world), of ACIEGE, of the French Blue Shield Committee and of BiblioPat. It is also a member of the Mir@bel and Sign@l networks.